

The available communication commands are as follows:


Syntax: “say <message>”
allows you to send a message to every player (player as in people playing MD) in the room or area you are in.


Syntax: “shout <message>”
allows you to send a message to every active player in the game (you can use “earmuffs” from various wandering merchants to block/mute shouts)


Syntax: “talk to about <subject>”
or “talk about <subject>”
useful to learn from NPCs (see NPC) what they know about a given topic.  This can be especially useful while exploring to complete a task or Quest.  Some NPCs may ignore you or give incomplete information if they are not addressed in their native language.  Some magical objects can also be <talk>ed to.
(to use this, you often have to use specific subjects, or sometimes the npc wont even talk to you about it at all if you question him, but will say things to you if your in the room).


Syntax: “clan recall”, “recall tell”, “recall shout”, “roar recall”, “send recall”
lets you recall the latest lines of a particular channel (cannot be used on auction line)


Syntax: “reply <message>”

replies to the last person/peoples who sent you tells (will reply to everyone who was last messaged with the tell sent to you, e.g. Sam tells Bob,John and you: “HI”, reply hello will send the message to Sam,Bob and John)


Syntax: “tell <message>”
or “tell <message>”

sends a message to specified people, regardless of where they are (unless their in the post office, writing a post on a board, link dead or offline)


Syntax: “speak <message>”
or “speak <language> <message>”

allows you to speak a different language
(see Languages)


Syntax: <commune MESSAGE>

By communing, you may attempt to communicate a message to any higher beings which might be on but whom you cannot see.  Since you do not know if they exist, no reply is guaranteed.  Since deeply invisible higher beings cannot hear shouts, this command should give you more assurance that if they are there, they’ll hear you.


Others (these are special communication commands):

Syntax: “party <message>”
using the party command you can also message all party members regardless of where they are (you have to be in a party to use this)


Syntax: “clan <message>”
using the clan command you can also message all clan members online, as well as leaving old messages for offline clan members to ‘recall’ when they get on (you have to be in a clan to use this)


Syntax: “auction <message>”
using the auction command you can also message all active players with the bidders paddle (HOWEVER if you use this while there is no ongoing auction, you’ll have to pay silver for your message)

