customize and enhance


Customization and Enhancement are new features in both armories and weapon smiths.

Once an item is customized for your player, no one else can use it. Customizing guild purchased items is cheaper than non-guild items because they have a greater expertise on guild created items. You do not need to customize at the same store you purchased your equipment at. Customizing is important for two reasons:
1) You must customize an item to store it in the bank owned vaults.
2) You must customize an item to have it further enhanced by a guild.

Weapons: A guild will adjust a weapon to fit your style, giving you the perfect balance you need to hit more accurately with it.

Armor: Your equipment will be adjusted so as to help your resistances. These are non-magical resistances created by special improvements to the armor’s design.
Helm or Jacket = physical resist.
Bracers = fire resist.
Leggings = cold resist.
Cloaks = magic resist.

Store Owners:
Customization units are required for both customizations and enhancements. One unit to customize, five units to enhance. You create these units with the <convertunits> command. You set your profit margin with <customprofit> and <enhanceprofit>.

Low metals yield smaller quantities of customization units, high metals yield higher quantities. At this time, no guild skill is involved in how many units are producted.
If you run out of these units, players will no longer be able to customize or enhance armor at your guild, so keep plenty in stock!

In the future enhancement may become a guild extra, but customization will remain for free.