

Druids of MD are able to use herbs to increase their spell power in a huge variety of ways:

(druids can use from 0-3 herbs whenever they cast most spells)

see also Druid, Druid Spells

(this is only a partial herb list that is meant for those new to the druid class or to herbs - you should be able to find out where the other herbs come from by exploring area types)

Most herbs can be usually found in more locations then just one area type.
>White Lotus:
can be found in “plains”

>White Chalk:
can be found in “hills”

>Gelen Sap:
can be found in “Forests” (all 3 types, light forests, forests and dense forests)

>Chutil Moss:
can be found in “Mountains”

>Begnat Flowers:
can be found in “Swamps”