

MD is a limb based game, where every creature has limbs, the only way to destroy a creature (or player) would be to destroy their head or body. The more limbs a creature has, the less chance there would be to hit their head or body.

We as players only have six limbs, head, body, left arm, right arm, left leg, right leg. If your arms are injured to “mildly injured” or beyond then you will automatically unwield whatever weapons you were wielding. 

Normally the body is hit the most, but at the same time has the most Health or Constitution (or con see stats). Your head, legs and arms (especially arms) are harder to hit, however your head has the lowest Con, so remember to have the best head gear at all times as well as keeping your head healed as often as you can.

If a limb is destroyed or nearly severed, you will need something magical for fixng the Lost Limbs.

Necromancers have spells that allow them to attach undead limbs in which they may wield additional weapons.

See also, Damage

Category:New To Moral Decay
